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  • Preferred option
    Payment in Full$955.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan2x $499.00

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Please note, This is an Online Product and is non-refundable. We believe deeply in the miracles you’re about to receive and urge you to purchase with a commitment to go through the course thoroughly. 
If you choose to pay by payment plan, you are responsible for completing the payment by due time! Failure to pay will result in the access removal from the Content & Program itself! Thank you

EN-22 The Leap$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xEN-22 The Leap$0

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Tỷ Giá 1 USD= 24k VND

Name: Vũ Phương Mai 

Account: 3660199068888 

MB Bank -Chi Nhánh Ba Đình

*Vui Lòng Ghi rõ Nội Dung Khoá Học+ Tên học Viên! 

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Overcome the Wobble of the In-between & Quantum Leap with Ease

Maybe you decided to raise your prices, enforce new boundaries, or only take on clients who are of a certain caliber. It felt so good when you made the decision, so aligned with your big goal. 

But then: the wobble happened. 

The awkward space between where you are in the moment you made the decision to uplevel. And the place you really want to go suddenly seems so impossible! 

*The key to Quantum Leaping in business and in life is to stay grounded and learn how to navigate “the unknown” of the new level with ease! 

Get Ready to: 

Release self doubt, fear , thought spiral & your inner mean girl voice 

Stop self sabotaging your own growth.

Feel calm, grounded, and at peace with the uncertainty 

Step into your next level with confidence & ease & groundedness 

Be able to take aligned action that actually gets you to your next level 

A 3-Day Experience to Release Toxic Thought Spirals, Stay Grounded in Uncertainty
& Quantum Leap with ease

This is what you will get: 

1) Replay Access to Uplevel With Ease Masterclass (Value 100$) 

2) Exclusive Facebook Community during the Program- nothing beat a High Vibe Sisterhood! (300$ but Value Priceless) 

3) Exclusive Perks+ Bonuses that ONLY for THE LEAP Participants (Value 200$) 

All replays will be delivered via Email!
