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An Overwhelm-free Method to Jump Start Your Purposeful Business & Get Paid Being Your Authentic Self!! 

 If you are: 


  • Not Making Significant Progress in your Business even with 2-3 Business Programs info! 
  •  Feeling Overwhelmed & Overloaded with so many directions & platforms 
  •  A Spiritual/ Self Development Junkie & Want to Run A Purposeful Business w/o losing your Authentic self! 


Then Welcome to the World of Simple & Focused Actions where you will: 

  • Gain Clarity about Simple & Clear Steps to Jumpstart Coaching Business! 
  • Feel confident about your offers & your value as a coach 
  •  Be paid for your Gifts so you can run your Purposeful Business Full time! 
  • Have FUN!!!! Running your own business is meant to be FUN & not like a chore! 

 Purpose to Profit is an Overwhelm-free Method I have tried, tested & trained my 1:1 Clients! 

You will learn C.L.E.A.R steps that ACTUALLY Move Needles for New Businesses: 

 Module 1: Leadership Mindset 

Say goodbye to Friend-zone Traps that make you “inspiring” but not “profitable” 

 People are willing to Pay, only to those they perceive as an Expert in the field they need help with! 

 So you can develop Self-Trust & Position Yourself as the Expert that your clients want to work with? 

1. How to Show Up as a True Leader? 

2. Avoiding Friend-zone Traps. 

3. Trade Employee Mindset to Business Owner Mindset 

4. The Zoom In & Out Dance that needed for a Profitable Business 

5. Facing Defeating Moment by Getting Clear on your Why! 

 Module 2: Confidence 


Ever feel so discouraged with the thought of “Who Am I to Be a Coach?”! 

 The “Your-Not-Good-Enough” line is what takes most people out of the Game! 

 Dive into this Soul-Searching Module & Walkout knowing Your Exact Gifts & What makes you so Special- that everyone needs to work with you! 

 We will cover: 


1. The clarity in your Unique Gifts so that you can ditch imposter syndrome and own your value 

2. The clarity in your Soul Clients’ Avatar & how to call them into your world 

3. My Unique Method to start Testing Your Private Coaching Offer Result 

 This Method helped many of my clients book their first 3-5 clients immediately! 

 Module 3: Authentic Selling 

 Hate those sleazy sales Conversations that leave you feeling tricked, manipulated, and broke? Scared this is what people think of you when you talk about your offer? 

 I will teach you the secrets to selling with Authenticity and Integrity so the right people will find you and sign up because they really want to work with you. 

 In this Module, You will learn: 


1. The Power of Authenticity: your story & journey of transformation are what people want to have! Learn how to show up confidently- sharing what’s personal but most Universal! 

2. Lay Out Your First 1:1 Package Offer (& with Aligned Price)! 

 Aligned pricing moves the sale effortlessly! 

 3. Learn my M.E.D formula to build an irresistible offer for your Aligned Clients! 

 4. How to Host A Flowy Sales Call that actually Converts! 

 Get Excited because you will start working with clients who you Love having! 

 Module 4: Energetic Marketing 

 Do you feel like “no one gets it”? Does no one understand the magic that you can do for your clients? 

 The key to helping people “get it” and become Magnetic to your Soul Clients is to talk to them at their Level of Awareness + Write Content that Converts! 


1. Learn the difference between A.E.C Content types & Their Unique Roles in Leads Generation- Conversion & make your offer IN DEMAND! 

 2. How to Embody what you sell and Become so Magnetic that people can’t resist working with you 

 3. Demand & Desire Effect: How you know for sure your Clients already exist! 

 Module 5: Relationship 

 You have no business if you don’t build a strong Relationship with your Clients that has them come back and re-sign with you for more. 

 Say goodbye to the stress of constantly attracting new clients and say hello to loyal clients who stay with you over months or even years 

1. Creating a loving relationship with your Clients without Overgiving! Whenever we think we need MORE to prove value-> we are wrong 

 2. How to create an environment where clients want to re-sign with you and stay for a long period of time 

 3. Must-Have Techniques to Host Transformative Coaching Sessions confidently! I will share with you my own Method of Facilitating a Transformative Session that brings Results! I will teach you my Unique Method that Nurtures & Increases the Client’s Lifetime Value! 

 Yes, Starting A Business can be as simple as 1-2-3!  

Together we will make Business Purposeful & Profitable so you can Live The Fulfilling Life you envision! 
