Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Please note, This is an Online Product and is non-refundable. We believe deeply in the miracles you’re about to receive and urge you to purchase with a commitment to go through the course thoroughly. 

If you choose to pay by payment plan, you are responsible for completing the payment by due time! Failure to pay will result in the access removal from the Content & Program itself! Thank you

VN-23 Become The One$290

  • Total payment
  • 1xVN-23 Become The One$290

All prices in USD


Bank Transfer to Vietnamese Bank 

Tỷ Giá 1 USD= 25k VND

Name: Vũ Phương Mai 

Account: 3660199068888 

MB Bank -Chi Nhánh Ba Đình

*Vui Lòng ghi rõ Tên Khóa Học - Tên Học Viên!

*Sau khi CK vui lòng chụp biên lai receipt gửi tới "" để được cập nhật thông tin khoá!
